Senin, 12 Juli 2010

PBOB-Passive Income ( usaha Sederhana )

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Senin, 14 Juni 2010


Obligasi adalah efek hutang pendapatan tetap dimana penerbit ( emiten ) setuju untuk membayar sejumlah bunga tetap untuk jangka waktu tertentu dan akan membayar kembali sejumlah pokoknya pada saat jatuh tempo. Jadi, obligasi pada dasarnya merupakan surat pengakuan hutang atas pinjaman yang diterima oleh perusahaan penerbit obligasi dari masyarakat pemodal.

Macam – macam obligasi ditentukan oleh kontrak perjanian ( bond indenture ). Macam – macam obligasi dapat dikelompokan menjadi delapan klasifikasi yaitu :

1. Berdasar Penerbit Obligasi ( Issuer )
Dibagi atas tiga jenis yaitu :
a. Obligsi Pemerintah → diterbitkan oleh pemerintah.
b. Obligasi Perusahan Milik Negara → diterbitkan oleh BUMN.
c. Obligasi Perusahaan Swasta → diterbitkan oleh perusahan swasta.
2. Berdasar Sistem Pembayaran Bunga.
Dibagi atas dua jenis yaitu :
a. Obligsi Kupon ( Coupon Bond )
Obligasi kupon adalah bagian yang istimewa dari suatu obligasi yang mendefinisikan jumlah bunga tahunan.
b. Obligsi Tanpa Kupon ( Zero Coupon Bond )
Zero Coupon Bond tidak mempunyai kupon, sehingga investor tidak akan menerima bunga secara periodic, tetapi bunga langsung dibayarkan sekaligus pada saat pembelian.

3. Berdasar Tingkat Bunganya.
Dibagi atas tiga jenis yaitu :
a. Obligsi dengan bunga tetap ( Fixed Ride Bond )
Bunga pada obligasi ini ditetapkan pada awal penjualan obligasi den tidak berubah sampai dengan jatuh tempo.
b. Obligsi dengan bunga mengambang ( Floating Rate Bond )
Bunga pada obligasi ini ditetapkan pada waktu pertama kali untuk kupon pertama. Sedangkan pada waktu jatuh tempo kupon pertama akan ditentukan tingkat bunga untuk kupon berikutnya, demikian seterusnya.
c. Obligsi dengan bunga campuran ( Mixed Rate Bond )
Obligasi jenis ini merupakan gabungan dari obligasi bunga tetap dengan obligasi bunga mengambang.
4. Berdasarkan Kaminannya.
Dibagi atas lima jenis yaitu :
a. Collateral.
Perusahaan penerbit membuat suatu janji, apabila pada saat jatuh tempo obligasi perusahaan penerbit tidak dapat membayar nilai nominal obligasi maka perusahaan penerbit menyediakan sejumlah asset milik perusahaan sebagai jaminan.
b. Debenture.
Dalam tipe obligasi ini, perusahaan penerbit obligasi tidak menjamin dengan aktiva tertentu, tetapi dijamin oleh tingkat likuiditas perusahaan.
c. Subordinate Debenture.
Tipe subordinate debenture dibayar setelah debenture. Oleh karena itu subordinate debenture merupakan obligasi yang mempunyai resiko tinggi.
d. Obligasi Pendapatan ( income bond )
Obligasi tipe ini tidak dijamin dengan asset tertentu. Disamping itu perusahaan penerbit tidak mempunyai kewajiban membayar bunga secara periodic kepada pemegang obligasi.
e. Obligasi Hipotek ( mortgage )
Obligasi tipe ini dijamin dengan asset tertentu dan asset yang dijadikan jaminan disebutkan secara jelas. Asset tersebut merupakan asset yang tidak bergerak, misalnya tanah dan gedung.

5. Dari Segi Tempat Penerbitannya.
Dibagi atas tiga jenis yaitu :
a. Obligasi Domestik ( Domestic Bond )
Obligasi yang diterbitkan oleh perusahaan atau lembaga dalam negeri dan dipasarkan di dalam negeri.
b. Obligasi Asing ( Foreign Bond )
Adalah obligasi yang diterbitkan oleh perusahaan atau lembaga asing pada suatu Negara tertentu dimana obligasi tersebut dipasarkan.
c. Obligasi Global ( Global Bond )
Obligasi yang diterbitkan untuk dapat diperdagangkan dimanapun tanpa adanya keterbatasan tempat penerbitan atau tempat perdagangan tertentu.
6. Dari Segi Pemeringkat.
Dibagi atas dua jenis yaitu :
a. Grade Bond.
Adalah Obligasi yang telah diperingkat dan termasuk dalam peringkat yang layak untuk investasi ( Invesment grade )
b. Non Grade Bond
Adalah obligasi yang telah diperingkat tetapi tidak termasuk peringkat yang layak untuk investasi ( non investment grade ).
7. Berdasarkan Call Feature.
Dibagi atas tiga jenis yaitu :
a. Freely Callable Bond
Dalam kontrak perjanjian obligasi, pada saat tertentu perusahaan penerbi dapat memanggil / menarik obligasi kembali.
b. Non Callable Bond
Adalah obligasi yang tidak dapat dibeli kembali oleh penerbitnya sebelum obligasi tersebut jatuh tempo.
c. Deferred Callable Bond
Merupakan kombinasi antara freely callable bond dengan non callable bond.
8. Berdasarkan Segi Konversi
Dibagi atas duab jenis yaitu :
a. Obligasi Konversi / Tukar ( Convertible Bond / Exchangable Bond ).
Adalah obligasi yang dapat ditukar dengan saham, baik saham penerbit obligasi sendiri ( convertible bond ) maupun saham perseroan lain yang dimiliki oleh penerbit obligasi ( exchangeable bond ).
b. Obligasi Non Conversi ( Non Convertible Bond ).
Merupakan obligasi yang tidak dapat dikonversikan menjadi saham tetapi hanya mencairkan pokok obligasi tersebut pada waktu jatuh tempo sebagaimana pada obligasi lainnya.

1. Pendapatan Bunga
Pendapatan bunga merupakan komponen utama dari investasi obligasi. Bunga dibayarkan sepanjang masa hidup pasar obligasi tersebut. Besarnya bunga dtetapkan sebesar presentase tertentu sampai obligasi tersebut jatuh tempo. Tingkat bunga obligasi bervariasi, tergantung reputasi dan kinerja dari penerbit (issuer) .
2. Capital Gain
Sama halnya dengan saham, suatu obligasi juga diterbitkan dengan nilai nominal tertentu. Nilai nominal ialah yang menyatakan harga suatu obligasi pada waktu ditawarkan serta jumlah hutang yang harus dibayar oleh penerbit pada saat obligasi tersebut jatuh tempo.
3. Keuntungan Khusus Terletak ( special feature gain )
Pada umumnya penerbit obligasi akan berusaha memberi pemanis ( sweetener ) yang terletak pada suatu obligasi.
4. Melindungi Resiko Inflasi
Ivestasi obigasi dapat pula melindungi resiko pemegang obligasi dari kemungkinan terjadinya inflasi.
5. Sebagai Agunan Kredit
Obligasi dapat pula digunakan sebagai agunan kredit bank dan untuk membeli instrument aktiva lain.

1. Resiko Tingkat Bunga Pasar ( market interest rate risk )
Tingkat bunga pasar dan harga obligasi selalu berbanding terbalik. Jika tingkat bunga pasar naik maka harga obligasi akan turun, demikian sebaliknya.
2. Resiko Daya Beli ( purchasing power risk )
Pada tingkt inflasi yang rendah, return atas obligasi akan menjadi baik. Tetapi bila cukup tinggi maka returnnya menjadi habis atau negative, maka akan menurunkan tingkat daya eli suatu obligasi,
3. Resiko Wanprestasi ( default risk )
Resiko yang dihadapi karena ketidakmampuan issuer didalam membayar kewajibannya, baik bunga maupun pokoknya atau kelalaian serta keterlambatan pembayaran.
4. Resiko Likuiditas ( liquidity risk )
Jika suatu obligasi tidak liquid, maka proses pencairan menjadi uang kas akan terhambat dan akan mempengaruhi struktur keuangan pemodal atau investor.
5. Resiko Jangka Waktu Jatuh tempo ( matury risk )
Makin panjang suatu jangka waktu jatuh tempo obligasi, maka makin lebil harga pasar obligasi yang bersangkutan.
6. Resiko Mata Uang ( currency risk )
Resiko yang dihadapi adalah kerugian atas perbedaan nilai tukar mata uang asing dengan mata uang local.
7. Resiko Call ( call risk )
Adalah resiko yang dihadapi oleh investor obligasi karena penerbit obligasi dapat melaksanakan haknya untuk menembus obligasi tersebut sesuai dengan aturan yang digariskan dalam kontrak.
8. Resiko Politis ( political risk )
Situasi politis suatu Negara dimana issuer berdomisili merupakan factor yng sangat menentukan kelancaran usaha yang pada akhirnya mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan.
9. Resiko Sektor Industri ( industry sector risk )
Jika pertumbuhan sector industry mengalami kelesuan atau penurunan maka akan mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan serta tingkat harga pasar oligasi.

Berdasarkan bentuk hokum di Indonesia, reksadana dibagi atas dua bentuk, yaitu :
1. Reksadana Berbentuk Perseroan
Dalam bentuk ini, perusahan penerbit reksadana kegiatan usahanya adalah menghimpun dana dan menjual saham, lalu dana dari penjualan saham tersebut diinvestasikan pada berbagai jenis efek yang diperdagangkan di pasar modal dan pasar uang. Jadi reksadana yang berbentuk perseroan ini menerbitkan saham yang dapat diperjual – belikan oleh maysrakat pemodal. Berdasar proses jual beli saham, reksadana bentuk perseroan dibedakan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu :
a. Reksadana terbuka ( open – end investment company )
b. Reksadana tertutup ( close – end investment company )
2. Reksadana Kontrak Investasi Kolektif
Reksadana berbentuk kontrak investasi kolektif ( KIK ) merupakan instrument penghimpun dana dengan menerbitkan unit penyertaan kepada masyarakat pemodal dan selanjutnya dana tersebut diinvestasikan pada berbagai jenis investasi baik di pasar modal maupun di pasar uang.

 Keuntungan yang didapat dari investasi reksadana adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Mendapat dividen dan bunga
2. Distribusi Laba Kapital ( capital gain distribution )
3. Diversikasi investasi dan penyebaran resiko
4. Biaya rendah
5. Harga reksadana tidak begitu tergantung dengan harga saham di bursa
6. Likuiditas terjamin
7. Pengelolaan portofolio yang profesional
 Resiko Reksadana
1. Berkurangnya nilai unit penyertaan
2. Resiko likuiditas
3. Resiko politik dan ekonomi
4. Asset perusahaan tidak dilindungi
5. Nilai asset perusahaan tidak bias ditetapkan secara tepat sehingga NAV dari suatu saham reksadana tidak bias dihitung dengan akurat
6. Manajemen perusahaan melibatkan orang – orang yang tidak jujur
7. Perusahaan reksadana dikelola menurut kepentingan dari penegang saham tertentu atau kelompok

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

passive income

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Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Emergency Power Supply to Speed Up Recovery in Suralaya SPP Following Black Out

Suralaya was the biggest Power Plant in Indonesia consist of 4 units of 400 MW each and 3 units of 600 MW. They can deliver 3400 MW to the Jawa Bali grid with the capability to produce 22 to 24 TWh per annum. This figure mention that more than 25 % power and energy from Suralaya maintain Jawa Bali capability to deliver power and energy to the end consumer within acceptable high security and reliability.
When failure put Suralaya out of the grid severe condition established immediately and blackout will happen soon since no other plants could react to replace Suralaya at the moment.
This paper will describe several blackout in Jawa-Bali caused by the unwanted tripping of Suralaya Power plant since the beginning.

Suralaya Steam Power Plants.
Suralaya Steam Power Plants located in the western of Jawa in Banten Province consist of 7 units 4 times 400 MW plus 3 times 600 MW. The first unit of 400 MW entered to the grid for commercial operation in 1984 since then entered unit no. 2 in 1985, unit no 3 and 4 in 1989 and the last unit of 600 MW in 1997. All plants directly connected to 500 kV bus of Suralaya Substation without any generator circuit breaker installed at the terminal generators.
Those plants being operated by PT Indonesia Power which was the one of sister company of PT PLN state owned electricity company.
In order to generate electricity, Suralaya SPP used coal as main primary energy for all units. Except for Unit No.1 and No. 2 could use Marine fuel Oil instead of coal up to its nominal power capabilities, Unit no 3 and 4 could use MFO up-to 50 % of its nominal power then unit No 5 to 7 can only be used coal to generate electricity through out its capability.
It should also be understood that for starting and continuous operation Suralaya SPP needs electricity to power their auxiliaries, coal handling facilities and any accessories to assist Suralaya SPP keeps generating electricity. So when there were interruption from the grid which disconnected whether outgoing feeders from generators or any supply to auxiliaries, it could be suspend any generating activities then black out will happen immediately.
Those were phenomena which had been experienced to Suralaya SPP from the early day of its operation and had been given very bad impact to the Jawa-Bali power system.

Cranking Suralaya SPP
When any units of Suralaya SPP should be restarted-up say after outage for maintenance, first it should be prepared fresh water, pulverized coal and igniters ready to fire diesel oil for first firing and several fan and pump turned on to assist start up. Those apparatus can only be powered from the grid since there were not enough electric power provided inside plants. The amount of power required about 16 MVA for 400 MW and about 20 MVA for 600 MW. Bear in mind that due to high capacity motors which should start it needs power supply with high level of short circuits capability.
Depend on situation that start up should be initiated, start up process divided into three categories.
First category was Cold Start Up, it was defined that if units were out for such a long time and then the first metal temperature below 190 degrees C, start up called as Cold Start Up and indeed takes such a high energy to start and also take time before connecting to the grid almost more than 24 hours before it can deliver its first megawatt.
The second category was Warm Start Up, it was defined that if the first metal temperature more than 190 degrees C but below 370 degrees start up process called warm start-up. This process quite moderate for coal fired power plant since it takes time between 8 to 24 hours before it can deliver its first megawatt.
The third category was hot start up. It was defined that if first metal temperature above 370 degrees C. In this case it can be restarted less than 8 hours (normally about 4 hours) before it can deliver first megawatt to the grid.
Since the power and energy required to start was very hugh back feeding from the grid are necessary. Any abnormal condition that could suspend back feeding will prevent Suralaya to start.

Experiencing with blackout.
Since the beginning of planning to build Suralaya SPP there were so many dispute and peoples argue whether Jawa-Bali power system can withstand to the existence of such a big plants and connected directly to 500 kV system since the highest voltage at that time only 150 kV and the interconnections among subsystem only develop not more than 1000 MW during peak load. It means that instability due to reactive compensation could rise uncontrollable voltage since reactive power generated by 500 kV lines was very huge compare to the load and no other means could fully absorb that reactive power especially during low load condition..
As time goes by the first unit of Suralaya entered to the grid which consisted of one 500 kV line from Suralaya to Gandul and step down to 150 kV using 500 to 150 kV Inter-bus Transformer 500 MVA in Gandul Substation . From this substation 150 kV grid were interconnected to other plants and subsystem and then reconnected to Suralaya SPP through 150 kV lines. This 150 kV indeed has a role of main back feeding to feed auxiliaries and another purposes especially as a main power to assist construction of another plants in Suralaya.
The first failure had been occurred in 1985 when two circuits of 150 kV which had been feeding the auxiliaries were tripped out caused the only one units of Suralaya tripped as well and then Jawa-Bali in the blackout situation immediately. This occurrence were surprised to everybody who worked out in power system operation and then several precautions were taken out both from generator side and from grid operator side. Nevertheless since grid are opened to any possible failure due to the uncertainties of environments so failure could not be suppressed down to zero even apparatus were designed to do so.
As a result several failure followed by black out had been hit Jawa-Bali power system most of them were directly been struck Suralaya SPP. According to the fact that has been recorded there were at least 7 (seven) blackout which has been initiated by Suralaya SPP. Among them there were four accident that gave special attention to the stakeholder .
Accident on 24 October 1988 at 13.13 WIT. This was the unwanted incident during construction of Unit No.3 and No.4 when by accident two workers cut the main instrument air piping system which convey pressurized air to operate control and instrument system of Suralaya Unit No.1 and No.2. This incident happened though the engineer has been carefully plan check and instruct necessary action to cut and reconnect any intended pipe. At that time Unit No.1 and No.2 had been operating at full load and deliver almost 800 MW to the grid which had got load about 2500 MW. Since generation were cut more than 25 % of load then Jawa-Bali fell down in to blackout.
Accident on 17 August 1991 at 00.22. This unwanted occurrence really terrible since it has been happened right in the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. The main cause of failure was flash over happened around the body of 500 kV circuit breaker No. 4 at Suralaya Substation. Following those phenomena while breaker try to isolate itself, the interrupting driving part was broken down and the ruins were touch the other parts of substation put all breaker in substation immediately off then cuts all circuits towards Suralaya substation. All Suralaya generators (at that moment Unit No. 2, 3 and 4 mean 1200 MW in operation) tripped out and then caused cascaded tripping to others generators. This failure put Jawa-Bali in blackout immediately since the overall loads only 3635 MW. Further inspection found that flash over around 500 kV circuit breaker had been caused by dust mixed with sea water which evaporated from the open sea water channel across the substation.
Accident on 13 April 1997 at 10.00. This Sunday nightmare had been happened due to the one 500 kV line from Suralaya to Gandul tripped while the other line put out for maintenance. Since then Jawa-Bali blackout due to the fact that at that moment Suralaya SPP had been loaded around 1200 MW almost more than 25% of Jawa-Bali loads. The situation became complicated since back feeding for Suralaya SPP had been too late to be sent and no other generators could immediately picked up the Jawa-Bali load. Recovery time became very long it took more than 12 hours to recover Jawa-Bali System back to normal.
Accident on 12 and 13 September 2002 at 17.52 This recent accident has been happened due to the tripping out of 500 kV lines from Cibinong-Gandul followed by tripping of 500 kV line from Cilegon to Cibinong caused cascaded tripping of all Susralaya generators which had been operating 6 Units ( Unit No. 2 out for maintenance and in the following day the near same incident had been happened while only one unit (Unit No.3) just picked up load and still ramp up to 350 MW. ). This accident had given worst impact almost to all Suralaya generators since in the previous accidents every blackout phenomena initiated by pulling down the power frequency but in the incident on 12 September 2002 power frequency rose up significantly (recorded about 53.5 Hz) meant that generators had been in over speed condition for several minutes before any protection react to protect generators from further damage. The result of this impact found that some bearing in Turbo Alternator No. 5 and 7 became overheated and this fact forced the engineer to make careful inspection prior restart-up. It means that recovery took such a long time waiting for clearance from Suralaya engineer. Finally restarting had been granted after one day check and observe any damage to all Suralaya turbo alternators.

Actions which should me made to avoid damages.
Heat sustained on turbines and condensers was the first priority to watch and protect otherwise heat stress and over pressure will destroy the apparatus. Further actions should immediately be done following those phenomena to :
a. Avoid any damage.
b. Keep any apparatus in such condition that later on ready to restart..
c. Maintain any remaining power within internal system to speed up recovery process.
Safety first action to open vacuum releasing valve will exhaust heat from turbine to the atmosphere. This action will put turbine while seed down to zero pumping out any remaining steam and while keeping vacuum it will also avoid turbine from pressurizing which prevent further damage on pressure protecting apparatus. Another advantage is that restart up can easily advanced soon after back feeding power arrive.
Maintaining ready to start position was the preferred condition while it will speed up restarting it can also maintain all vital apparatus which assist normal operation of the plants. The vital apparatus mean lubrication system, turning gear motor, air heater motor, hydrogen system, control, instruments and relay protection , burner management system and also lighting system to assist operator restart-up. Power source for those apparatus during blackout should be provided from internal emergency sources either from diesel or gas turbine generating set. Suralaya SPP has got Diesel Generating set for each plant and recently was added by 17 MW gas turbine generating set especially to cover Unit no.5 to 7.
Since all vital apparatus required such a big power to restart, it has been set up to avoid Suralaya really in the without power condition by applying several arrangement in system operations.
The first arrangement called island operation. The island operation means that local load can be fed by instantaneous remaining power generated after blackout condition. Selecting local load that should match to the remaining or minimum power of that island has been done by Under Frequency Relays dedicated to use only in island operation establishment. After the accident on 12 September 2002 instead of having under frequency relays, to establish island operation in Suralaya local network it has been also applied Over Frequency Relays and re-set Over Speed protection to maintain generators were matched to the local load.
The second arrangement was called House Load operation. This term means that if emergency condition occur and island operation by accident fail to establish some generators should capable for certain period can withstand with load dedicated to them. For Suralaya No. 5 to 7 since steam by-pass system can withstand in operation loaded up to 25 MW each for les than 30 minutes. Normally this situation could help operators to do any possible action to prevent all generators from further damage.

Those actions that bound to maintain safety were recorded and maintained in proper Standing Operating Procedures applied both to the normal operation and in emergency conditions.


• Even to restart only one plant, it is necessary for SURALAYA to have back feeding from the grid immediately after blackout occurred
• Maximum Back-Feeding Time needs to avoid Suralaya SPP from any damages should be less than 60 minutes. This will minimize damages to the main apparatus (i.e Turbine, Air Heater & Condenser etc )
• If back feeding recover more than 2 hours should Aux Boiler be started providing auxiliary steam to assist firing process.
• Due to the complexity of control activities HOUSE LOAD only be kept less than 2 hours. Any action to resynchronize to the grid should initiate immediately to avoid further tripping.
• From the very beginning of operation, Suralaya has been faced with various blackout conditions. Most of them caused by external failure.
• Except the blackout on 12 September 2002, blackout phenomena sensed and initiated by decreasing power frequency before any tripping taken place, so UFR might hold an island operation.
• On the last blackout power frequency course was unexpected. It first went up so not any UFR could hold island operation and then immediately went down following plants tripped out by over-speed protection apparatus
Author wish to thank to every body which help providing data and information. Author also wish to thank to PT Indonesia Power and Business Strategic Unit Jawa-Bali Control Center and Transmission System. Who also gave the opportunity to collect the information.

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

Become Professional Power Plant by Giving My Best Contribution

Nowadays competition of Power plant business is begins in Indonesia. Only professional power plant can stay and win emulation. Human resource is one of the important assets which determine it. Professional company can be reach easily by qualified human resources that supported by knowledge, experienced, attitude, working method, technological facility, and company target or direction. PJB has realized it and one of the programs to reach is pre employment trainee program. This program is different with other company pre employment trainee program. It took 2 year and some one who going to be employed should be evaluated first in attitude and also has minimum three certificates competent. I, Writer joined in this program in 2004 and succeeded become PJB Employed in 2006. I am placed in PJB Services Since entering first time in PJB. PJB Services is subsidiary company of PJB and its main Core Business is Operation and maintenance services of power plant. It has very different from PJB. The first one year in PJB Services I get many experienced in many project of power plant. After firsts year in the project my duties is on Cilacap Coal Fired Steam Power Plant as the and getting many experience with operation and maintenance. Working in project and power plant encourage me about technical and personal development self learning. I found also many challenges there.The first year in PJB Services give me many experiences. I have involved in many project like Major Overhaul PLTU and PLTGU in Belawan, Major overhaul PLTU 27 MW PT Suparma, Surabaya, EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction ) Diesel Engine 4, 7 MW, Tanjung pandan Belitung and other projects. Our main duties is support the manager project to plan the project include schedule, human resources, material and to control the project running well base on plan. Schedule is very important matter in project, because it show Project efficiency. Actually, It is my first challenge. Before I make schedule, I have to know scope of work and make collaboration with our human resources,. Project condition forced me to increase our technical competency so that we should become fast learning typical. Maintain company positive image is very important, because our value is representative company value. We should give the customer satisfaction by show our best performance discipline, good attitude, good coordination and communication. Soft skill and hard skill is very required. I got many challenge here. If there are some problems that make project delay, we should solve the problem as soon as possible. Other my challenge is making a good record and report. High dedicated, high skill and high care employee will bring PJB Services one of world class electricity company services.
Since 2005, I have been working at Cilacap Power Plant. This power plant is one of implementation of The fast track program 10,000 MW Project. It belongs to PT Sumber Segara Primadaya, joint venture companies between PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) and PT Sumber Energi Sakti Prima (SSP). As an implementation of two years warranty facility, Operation and Maintenance (OM) in Cilacap CFSPP is conducted by Huadian Qing Shan Power Plant which is appointed by Cheng Da as Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC). While PJBS under cooperation contract with PT S2P is appointed as local OM. Become Operator for 2 x 300 MW Steam Power Plant is my job for first year in Cilacap. Hence, I begin to learn about Chinese power plant characteristic. It have different characteristic from Japan’s and American’s. I think this my big opportunity because there will many Chinese power plant operate in Indonesia in future.. Knowing Chinese Power Plant earlier is one way to make sure that others Chinese Power Plant will work properly in the future. Chinese Steam power plant have good thermal efficiency, I think almost the same with Japanese or American Power Plant. It has new technology. We must pay more attention to its equipments reliability. My main job was to coordinate Indonesian operator in my team. My team work together with Chinese operator team and here we absorb knowledge about Chinese power plant from them. Here we can learn how to work with foreigner, take their superiority and left their weak. I am sure that this process will give us enough knowledge to operate and manage power plant especially Chinese power plant in future.
After one year as operator coordinator, PT. S2P gave me opportunity to join with Operation Planning and Control Department as Senior Staff Performance Staff and Improvement Cilacap Coal Fired Steam Power Plant (CFSPP). As senior staff performance test and improvement, there are many responsibilities according job description item.
a. Routine
a. Performance Test
Planning, compiling and conducting performance test and also reporting of the work result so that can know equipments performance.
b. Improvement
1. Conducting controlling, study and also evaluate losses of energy turbine, boiler and also equipment auxiliary.
2. Conducting planning, unit analysis and including stages steps of improvement ( SOP, Standard of Job and modification of project)
3. Planning, controlling and monitoring operation of auxiliary turbine, Water Treatment Plant and Waste Water Treatment Plant.
4. Executing duty as team of ISO 9001 to improve efficiency and quality.
5. Making report according to standard format as consideration for the management in intake of decision
6. Assisting to monitor admission filling of log sheet.
b. Non Routine
a. Conducting incidental duty according to guide of superior so that every problem is quickly finished.
b. Conducting duty delegated by superior to attain of maximal performance
Cilacap Power Plant operation and maintenance is supported by MAXIMO. It is An Asset Optimization Program (AOP). The program helps us working efficiently in Operation and maintenance. Working in a China coal fired steam power plant is challenging.. We have many experience of it. Chinese power plant use different standard. It’s GB standard. Minimum English manual operation and maintenance book also is my challenge. It made me study hard, to understand operation procedure. As we know that operation and maintenance manual book take important role to assure proper operation and maintenance. With proper operation and maintenance equipment life time can stay along time. Chinese also has low English speaking capability. It made me difficult to coordinate with them. Our Company Mission is make sure PT. S2P, as our customer that PJB Services is professional company and ready to take over Operation and Maintenance Cilacap Power Plant.

Pump Bowl Assembly

Pump Bowl Assembly
The bowl assembly is the heart of the vertical turbine pump.
The impeller and diffuser type casing are designed to deliver the
head and capacity that your system requires in the most efficient
way possible. The fact that the vertical turbine pump can
be multistaged to allow maximum flexibility both in the initial
pump selection and in the event that future system modification
requires a change in the pump rating. Submerged impellers
allow pump to be started without priming.

Standard Design Features
1. SUCTION BELL – Allow smooth entry of liquid into impeller
eye, minimizes vortex formation.
2. SUCTION BELL BEARING – Provided for shaft stability.
3. SAND COLLAR – Prevents solids from entering suction
4. IMPELLER – Semi-open or enclosed for appropriate service
5. TAPER LOCK – Carbon or alloy steel for fastening impellers
on 17” and smaller sizes.
6. KEYED – Impeller fastened onto shaft by key and split ring.
7. PUMP SHAFT – Heavy duty 416SS standard, available in
316, 17-4 PH, Monel and other alloys for high strength and
corrosion resistance.
8. INTERMEDIATE BOWL – Available in variety of cast materials.
Glass lined cast iron standard 6” through 15” sizes.
9. STAGES – Flanged and bolted together for ease of
maintenance. Registered fits assure positive alignment.
10. SLEEVE TYPE BEARING – Provided at each stage to assure
stable operation away from critical speed.
In addition to standard features and options
shown here, other features are available.
A. Hydraulic balancing of impellers to reduce axial downthrust
and achieve longer thrust bearing life.
B. Independent flushing of bowl bearings and wear rings for
abrasive services.
C. Hard facing of shaft journals and bearings to protect against
abrasion and increase interval between maintenance periods.
D. Interior coating on bowls for improved efficiency.
E. Dynamic balancing of impellers.
F. Strainer to prevent foreign objects from entering the pump.

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

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